In one of the greatest rites of spring, the salmon have started heading back to their spawning grounds. This also means that wild salmon will be popping up on restaurant menus around the country. The farm-raised Atlantic Salmon most restaurants have been serving throughout the off season will soon be replaced by wild Sockeye, Coho, and Chinook Salmon. The subtle differences in flavors between these species make for a number of amazing options. The key to a spectacular meal is to know what to look for while selecting a salmon from a Seafresh menu or the market.
Fortunately, Foodie Knowledge contains a great deal of information about salmon. This site is a helpful resource to learn about a number of salmon related topics. Topics include the differences between wild-caught and farm-raised salmon, the environmental impacts of each type, and the flavor differences amongst the species. There is even a post regarding genetically modified salmon. This knowledge will make for more informed decisions and conversations.
Take a moment to review some of the past posts regarding wild salmon to gear up for the start of the season:
The differences between Wild-Caught and Farm-Raised Salmon.
The species of Wild-Caught Salmon.
The environmental impacts of Wild-Caught vs Farm-Raised Salmon.
The facts about the AquAdvantage Salmon. Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time :-)