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The Index

This index is designed to put all of the information available at Foodie Knowledge at your fingertips.  Click on any of the links below to find the topic you are interested in.  The best way to stay up to date on all posts on this blog is to become a fan on facebook.  If you are seeking information that is not on this page, email the author at hospitalityformula@gmail.com and your question may become a future post.



Foodie Friday: Beef Made Easy (Part One)

Foodie Friday: Beef Made Easy (Part Two)

Foodie Friday: Beef Made Easy (Part Three)

Foodie Friday: Salmon Basics

Foodie Fridays: Salmon Species

Foodie Friday: Types of Crab

Fun Crab Facts and Jokes

Dr Strange Salmon

Lobster Facts and Trivia

The Stumpers

Prosciutto, Pancetta, and Serrano

Ahi Tuna and Mako Shark


Foodie Issues

Five Great Food Stories

Foodie Friday: Health and Environmental Issues of Salmon

Pasta Name Origins

Foodie Friday: Fact or Fiction

How Wild Fish Is Caught

Seafood During Pregnancy

Ranch Dressing and Why We Love It

Tipping On To Go Orders

The Great Debate (Introduction)

Food Allergies: A Responsible Approach

 Fruit Flies

Touched By A Server



Understanding French Sauces (Part One)

Understanding French Sauces (Part Two)

Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

Regional Barbeque Styles

Searches Answered

Chef Nicolette: An Introduction



Cherry Limeade Recipe

Introducing: The Designated Drinker

Espresso Drinks

Designated Drinker: Harry’s Bar Bellini

Wine Apps for your Phone

Designated Drinker: Egg Nog

Submit to Best Restaurant Blogs

About David Hayden

David Hayden is the creator of The Hospitality Formula Network, a series of websites dedicated to all aspects of the restaurant industry. He is also the author of the book Tips2: Tips For Improving Your Tips and Building Your Brand With Facebook.

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