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Tag Archives | Foodie

Ranch Dressing and Why We Love It

When Escoffier defined his five mother sauces, he did so based on a proud culinary tradition that dated back to Careme and others.  These were flexible sauces that stood the test of time.  Fortunately, he could not predict how boring the average consumer would become.  In most modern chain restaurants the mother sauces would be […]

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Regional Barbeque Styles

As a rule I attempt to be unbiased in my writings on this blog. When I express a controversial opinion I try to balance it out with a contrasting opinion. The advice I give on serving comes solely from my experience, testing, and observation.  Opinions just convolute the message and make it less applicable for […]

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Seafood During Pregnancy

If you sell seafood at your restaurant, you will inevitably come in contact with pregnant women concerned whether or not it is safe.  During pregnancy the only thing you get more than designer baby clothes that the child wont be able to appreciate is advice on what not to eat.  Seafood is confusing to expectant […]

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Supply, Demand, and Chicken Wings

Yesterday’s post on extra charges for the various items a guest requests caused me to ponder on a larger scale.  It is remarkably common to hear guests say, “I could buy that steak/wine/etc at the store for half that much.”  This is the same principle as walking into a car dealership and demanding a price […]

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Fun Crab Facts and Jokes

They say you gotta give the people what they want.  In this case it seems to be crabs.  The number of searches I have seen this week that landed on my crab post is overwhelming.  So I decided to revisit my favorite decapods.  The previous post was a bit more scientific and specific.  Today, I […]

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