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Tag Archives | Chinook Salmon

Wild Salmon Season Has Begun

In one of the greatest rites of spring, the salmon have started heading back to their spawning grounds.  This also means that wild salmon will be popping up on restaurant menus around the country.  The farm-raised Atlantic Salmon most restaurants have been serving throughout the off season will soon be replaced by wild Sockeye, Coho, […]

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Foodie Friday: Health and Environmental Issues of Salmon

The planet Earth produces more food than ever before.  Tremendous advances in food sciences have lead a higher percentage of our planets population to be fed than in any time in the modern era.  No person is more responsible for this than one of my personal heroes, Norman Borlaug.  It is estimated that the advancements […]

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Foodie Fridays: Salmon Species

Salmon is one of the least understood items on most restaurant menus.  Servers are often unaware of what type of salmon is served out of their kitchen.  Even more commonly servers are unaware of the unique selling points of the species they offer.  This is problematic because premium salmon can warrant a premium price.  It […]

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Foodie Friday: Salmon Basics

I spent most of my life disliking the flavor of salmon.  Growing up most of the salmon I ate came from a can and was served in “patty” form.  As I worked in casual dining restaurants I would occasionally try the salmon dishes only to be turned off by the lingering flavors it would leave […]

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