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Independent vs Corporate Restaurant Priorities

This morning I read an article regarding the rising costs of food and how restaurants will respond.  In the article former server Charles Ferruzza finds a pair of local restaurant owners who say they will refuse to raise prices to compensate for the increase in costs.  The owners discuss absorbing the costs themselves or reducing […]

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Lobster Facts and Trivia

My friend Marcy has been telling me for years that I need a dog.  She thinks it would be good for me to have a pet for companionship.  I have always avoided getting one based on the fact that my schedule prevents me from being home frequently enough to let it outside.  I can see […]

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Ranch Dressing and Why We Love It

When Escoffier defined his five mother sauces, he did so based on a proud culinary tradition that dated back to Careme and others.  These were flexible sauces that stood the test of time.  Fortunately, he could not predict how boring the average consumer would become.  In most modern chain restaurants the mother sauces would be […]

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Supply, Demand, and Chicken Wings

Yesterday’s post on extra charges for the various items a guest requests caused me to ponder on a larger scale.  It is remarkably common to hear guests say, “I could buy that steak/wine/etc at the store for half that much.”  This is the same principle as walking into a car dealership and demanding a price […]

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Understanding French Sauces (Part Two)

Celebrity chefs seem to be everywhere today.  If you are a foodie, you can probably name a handful off the top of your head.  They have their own TV shows, books, and websites.  Entire networks are built upon the idea of bringing you the next celebrity chef.  Reality shows feature aspiring chefs competing to be […]

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