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restaurants expensive

Why Is Food So Expensive In Restaurants? An Intro

One of the most interesting parts of writing a blog it that you get to see the search engine terms that lead people to finding your site. It is the best information you can get to understand the motivations of your readers. This information drives a great deal of what I write about on this […]

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Dear Celebrity Chef, IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU!

I recently went to a restaurant named Mestizo that just opened in a swanky shopping district in Kansas City.  I think my experience could best be summed up by the comment I posted on a story about the restaurant on the local food/restaurant blog. “I visited Aaron Sanchez presents Aaron Sanchez’s Mestizo by Aaron Sanchez […]

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The New Foodie Knowledge Blogroll

Foodie Knowledge encompasses a wide variety of food and foodie related topics.  I wanted to find a wide range of sites to reflect that variety.  What you won’t find here is a bunch of recipe blogs.  Instead, I want to get deeper into understanding food and foodie culture.  The sites features are informative and provide […]

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Working In A Restaurant Kitchen

I always get a chuckle when someone who is not in the restaurant business asks me about the show, Hells Kitchen.  Their question is always, It isnt really like that is it?  The honest answer is that if you spend 30 years progressing up the ladder as a cook, you might one day get to […]

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The Hidden Restaurant Tax

I often get asked when talking about restaurants what has changed the most in my time as a server.  I have always had a hard time answering that question.  In part, it is because my vantage point on the industry has changed over the years.  The differences between my current job and my first serving […]

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